Member Profile

Sher Miller
Sher Miller
MarketingProfs Member Since
November 4, 2011
MarCom Specialist
I have been a designer for 19 years and a marketing professional for 12 years. I coded my first digital design, an animated cartoon, in BASIC on an Apple II Plus when I was roughly 12. I wrote my first basic marketing plan around the same time: I wanted to sell my sign design skills to local companies and I had a plan to do it. I could see the trends when I started my B.A degree and knew I needed something special. I wanted a degree that encompassed design, writing and public relations. I proposed, and justified, a new degree: Information Design for Modern Media. I used this degree for an art gallery, toy company, Global 500 Insurance Company, custom door company, photographer, architect, etc. A natural evolution was my entry into marketing. This led me to enter CU’s Master’s Program, where I completed an M.S. in Marketing in 2004. I’ve used that degree to drive new product entry into the strictly regulated aviation industry and a company into ENR’s Top 100.
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Questions by Sher Miller

Question Title
Objectives of an E-Newsletter Closed 11/15

Responses from Sher Miller

Question Title
Objectives of an E-Newsletter Closed 11/15