
Topic: Advertising/PR

What Is Pop And Posm?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
what is difference between these two words? what kind of ad. format do they include?
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  • Posted byMushfique Manzooron Accepted
    hi madashcn

    POP = Point of Purchase
    POS = Point of Sale
    POSM = Point of Sale Materials

    essentially POP and POS are the same place/point (two sides of the same coin) in a retail environment. POP is said from the consumers point of view while POS is from the sellers point of view.

    POP is usually the specific point from which the consumers purhcase the product in a retail environment. In case of a super market the shelf, cash counter etc. are the POP. those places are also the POS as i told above.

    POSM is the advertising materials that are used to communicate brand information to the consumers at the POP/POS places and is part of the BTL campaign platform.

    POSM includes Buntings/Streamers, Posters, Dangler, Dummy Pack (enlarged, reduces), Shelf Branding, Shelf Talker, Leaflets & Leaflets Dispenser, Wobblers etc.

    hope this helps.


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