
Topic: Website Critique

Feedback For This Website

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello All:

I would love to receive some feedback on this website:

-ability to understand what company is and does
-use of space
-does it hold attention and capture curiosity to move through site
-any other comments

Thank you!
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  • Posted bylambert.terryon Accepted
    For a person looking for framing, the most important information is about the services available. Those should be listed above the fold on the first page rather than on the About Us page. For each service, perhaps include a link to examples that demonstrate that specific service (alternative to a Gallery approach). The space on the left side is also underutilized. Users expect the primary site navigation to be there. Since you have tabs, in this case, consider putting the location information with the phone number. If the purpose is to attract business or higher income individuals as clients, that target market must be reflected by the color and graphic selections.
  • Posted on Author
    谢谢你们所有人的评论。他们已经ry helpful!

    All the best,

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