
Topic: SEO/SEM

How Can We Create A Effective Virus Free Website

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a marketing guy doing marketing of website.I want devlopment a website with is easy to open virus free and having top position in every search engine. So, what shoul i do for getting all the above features.
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  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Accepted

    Easy: DONT put virusies on your website.

    < having top position in every search engine>

    Hire a SEO company and have a lot of money, time and a very clear idea of what you want.
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    Viruses - these are not an issue on a web site (unless someone else gets control of your web site and places it there).

    SEO - This is a big subject, and not one easily covered in a question like this. I recommend you read a few articles on SEO (search engine optimization) first. There are many on this site. I recommend that you enter "SEO" or "Google" or "organic search" into the search box in the blue bar above. Perhaps also enter it in to the Search Questions option in the gold bar at the right to see other people's responses to similar questions.

    If it is an area that you are not an expert on and/or you are not an expert on web development, Carl's suggestion of hiring a company to do it would be a good one.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    For viruses, just install a virus checker on your own computer, then don't upload any viruses to your server. Viruses are not usually a problem on websites. (How would they get there?)

    SEO has become VERY sophisticated and it's not something amateurs should spend their time on. Hire a pro and let him/her manage your search engine placement. If you want to understand the basics and the theory, you can read up on SEO, but the learning curve is probably more than you want to tackle unless you're changing careers into SEO.
  • Posted bylambert.terryon Accepted
    There are 3 keys to virus protection. The first is to talk to the hosting service (or in-house IT folks) to understand the security measures they have in place. Ask how they prevent someone from logging into the site and changing files. Expect to hear that server ports are restricted and incoming files (posting a form for example) or server applications are isolated by a directory permissions scheme. Than ask what they do to monitor for unauthorized access or changes to files. Listen for information on comparing the files to a control record of some kind, physically limiting access to the server(s) and logging who does what. Lastly, ask what they do to recover from a security breech. When it happens, you want to be back up ASAP.
    The second key is securing your Web content authoring/ application development environment. If a writer or programmer has a virus and uploads files to the server, guess what? If a vendor is creating the site for you, ask what they do to prevent passing along a virus.
    The third key is to isolate the two environments so only a limited few - trusted to follow a process that quality changes the work and scanns for viruses - can "publish" to the site.

    Search optimization - first you need to walk, then run. That is, before you engage a search optimization expert, create the very best content you can. What is best you ask? Identify your intended readers. These are typically the individuals that either make the purchase descision or have influence on the decision maker. Who buys the product now? What demographic are they in? Do they have anything in common? Check out doing "personas" for ways to truely understand the readers. Next, what is their need and how does your product solve that need? Your content should not use "marketing speak" - use words that your readers will immediatley recognize. Talk to your existing sales people to find out how they talk about the product. Check Overture at:看到人们search on. Finally, organize the content so the words people will scan the page for pop out - page titles, paragraph headings, navigation links, etc. Keep the page design simple and functional.

    Depending on your product, you may get very good search rankings by simply focusing on your readers. Many sites try to sell to everyone and write like they're making a brochure. If you have a lot of competition, you probably need to look at bringing in an SEO consultant or doing a lot of research, page tracking, and analysis yourself. But you will have a very good foundation for the SEO to start with so they can get you to the top tier much easier.

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