
Topic: Strategy

Forums And Businesses

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
问候。我在联合国ited Kingdom, my name is David Castle. I run a multimillion pound business without advertising. I am a forum player "ctabuk" in any SE search box. I am trying to convince the business community that by becoming involved with forums can lead to a great deal of new business. I run the marketing forum forwww.webproworld.comwhich has one of the best reputations around. But even with that kind of support we are finding that UK businesses in particular are ignoring this marketing strategy. We can teach SEO - getting listed etc etc. For example I have 700 first page results on all the majors and earn in excess of £1 million pa. But finding businesses that are prepared to devote the time to study and even consider this method is 'like hitting your head etc' Any ideas? Thanks David
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  • Posted bychoughon Accepted
    我认为答案在e question! If you run a successful, multi million pound businesswithoutadvertising, how much more successful would you be with targeted, informative advertising about your offer.

    Maybe the UK business you are dealing with are ignoring this marketing strategy because it's just not on their radar... how do you get it there? If they don't use forums/blogs etc, how will they see the benefits without being made aware of it in another way?

    I would think a direct mail campaign is called for. Some serious creative thinking is needed to get past the "not another web based, get rich quick scheme" thinking that a wrongly pitched campaign might generate. (Which incidentally, IME, usually start with some guy telling you how they run a multi-million pound business! - that's not saying I don't beleive YOU! :) )

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