
Topic: E-Marketing

I'm New To Retention Marketing. Need Tips To Begin

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I've recently been placed in a Retention Marketing position on a new product line with very little data and I have minimal experience in this role. I'm looking for ways to create a retention campaign using primarily email (possibly with give-aways) to retain the customer base and what metrics to track in order to determine the campaign's success. Ideas? Templates? Suggestions? Websites? Books?
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  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    If is hard to give detailed advice without more info. What kind of product? Business to business, or business to consumer? What sales channels, etc. But I will give some general advice.

    I know it is tempting, because it is cheap, but I would not go down the email route.

    I'm currently doing such a project for a software vendor, we call each customer every 6-9 months to check and see how they are doing, and to allocate resources as needed.

    The first step is to be sure you are in an organization which actually cares about the customer, and has programs in place to help them out. If so, much of your issues will be communicating this to the right folks.

    If you can provide more details, I'll try to provide more info. Or, you can contact me offline (click on my name to the right for contact info.

  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    I can understand the desire to jump right in with a campaign but I would first work on identifying your feedback systems and working campaign goals/measurements from there.

    You may find yourself focusing first (or parallel) on creating measurement feedback systems before you can truly justify the expense of your role with successful campaigns.

    如果你有良好的销售渠道和基于“增大化现实”技术e dependant on the sales channel for transactions, you will wan to make sure your measurements support both your reporting and your impacted areas reporting as well, as each of you will be using the number to prove how great their numbers have improved.

    Sorry to be so nebulous, but your environment and company culture have more impact on your success then determining "what metrics to track in order to determine the campaign's success".

    Hope that helps.

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