
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help, I Need A Tagline For My Formal Wear Business

Posted by Anonymous on 750 Points
I own a small formal wear shop (name is Simply Elegant, picked by you guys!) I need a tagline/signature line that makes the business stand out, catchy, easy to remember.

My shop caters mainly entrants in pageants and those attending proms, but also brides (gents can rent tuxs also).

Thanks for your help
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  • Posted on Member
    ...."Entrants with Class" .... Simply Elegant ....
  • Posted byBilld724on Member
    Greetings Patricia

    Simply Elegant . . .Formal wear for your formal affair

    I believe a tagline should re-mind people of two things.

    First, the situation or condition that makes you relevant. Second, the solution you offer that is relevant to your prospect's situation.

    By connecting their occasion -- a formal affair -- where they certainly need something that's "Simply Elegant", and the solution you offer (formal wear) which is certainly relevant . . . I think this works.

    Also, a big reason why taglines 'work' is because of the way they 'play' in our minds. "formal wear for your formal affair" is melodic (wear / affair), it reinforces / reminds someone that your business about 'formal' things . . . and it also has a certain pleasant rhythm to it -- which simply makes it 'brain-sticky' -- i.e. it's memorable. And memorable = money . . . in your store rather than a competitors!

    Hope this has been of some help!

  • Posted on Member
    Simply Elegant .... Entrance with Class ;) ... think i like that better,,, i got it the wrong way round initially.

    Looking simply elegant would be an entrance with class in my opinion ... so an entrance with class is "simply" "elegant" ... no more .... no less
  • Posted byCorpcommeron Member

    Here are more taglines for you:

    Simply Elegant, enchanting entrance in classic style

    Simply Elegant, for an enchanting entrance in classic style

    Simply Elegant, classic style for a sophisticated presence

    Simply Elegant, Formal style in classic splendor.

  • Posted byTILOon Member

    I have given one below, however I would like to know what is the market you a targeting i.e. high spenders, age etc. Also what is your competitive deferential? is it price, quality, brand names, home made etc?

    Simply elegant, a cut above the rest


  • Posted on Member
    我新到这个论坛,但我想说,见subgestions made previously have all been worn out like an old pair of jeans.

    Your slogan should stick out
    It should make you - you

    Our copy writers look at two things. Who are you? What do you offer me?

    Simply Elegant is honestly BORING. A business name should identify who you are and what you do. Sam's Formal Wear is an example of who and what in the name of the business. Roto Rooter identifies itself as a plumber with the single word rooter. Microsoft took two words and combined them, "micro" prefix actually and "soft" for software. Oracle is a source of knowledge as a database is a source of knowledge.

    So, now you need to identify what you do for your customers so they know what you offer them.

    Simply Elegant

    Simply Elegant Formal Wear is a much better name, but that's a moot point now.

    Simply Elegant - Formal Wear for the Formal You
    Simply Elegant - Formal Wear for the Formal Occasion

    Of course, formalwear is acceptable spelling as well.

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted on Member
    Simply Elegant for great moments in life

    Hope it can help.
    This is the first tagline I've ever made.
    How do you think about it?

  • Posted byDougMon Member
    Simply Elegant - for life's crowning moments.

    Simply Elegant - Wear life begins...

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