
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Needed For New Dog Biscuit Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
i am starting up a 'cottage' industry, literally, in ireland baking doggie cookies/biscuits and need a great name for inspiration is my west highland white terrior [westie] named gus, short for fergus, and hope to have his photo on the label, if not too costly....i will be doing the baking and live in a coastguard station, that's the business address.... any suggestions? have fun....and thanking you
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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    hi coastguardian,

    Seems like you have some good fodder for finding an interesting brand. At first I was racking the old noodle for a dog treat version of “screaming yellow zonkers” but I couldn’t think of anything.

    可能有助于看到(味道)产品。产品design could contribute to name development (or visa versa), for example dog treats shaped like a Frisbee or golf ball. Not a recommendation, just another way to view the problem.

    For product brand names:
    Gus Yums
    Happy Gus
    Gus Approved

    For Taglines:
    Treats that Wag Tails

    Hope this helps,

  • Posted byDougMon Accepted
    Pet T 4

    Treats so good, they will wag the dog, just ask Gus.
  • Posted on Accepted
    gus delight

    gus and biscuits

    gus treat

    hope my ideas help you.!!!!
  • Posted on Member
    for the tagline

    "fun for every bites"

  • Posted bytimo kruskopfon Accepted
    Take advantage of your location and theme. What I mean is names like Coastguard Cottage Cookies i.e.. 3C's in future. It will give you a brand territory hard to copy by your competitors.
    You must can also go through the desired image: is it the biscuit coastguards will give to their loyal companion on windy, cold and rainy nights or ones Hyacinth Bucket would give to her dearest poodle. If the former look at homeophones of famous Whisky brands. Latter I cannot relate to Ireland - sorry.

    Be proud or your culture.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Home-Baked Dog-Treats ... by FerGus

    You could design and print your own labels (cost-less). If you need help in that just mail me :)

    take care and happy baking! .... sharon
  • Posted on Accepted

    Here's something I thought of:

    No tricks. Only treats.

    Another one could be

    Gus' Wag-alongs !

    All the best with your pet project!

    Nahida Sunil

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