
Topic: Customer Behavior

What Is Customer Care And What Are Its Benefits To An Organisation

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I will be conducting training over the topic of customer care. the benefits, what customer care means, customer expectations
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  • Posted byPaul Linnellon Accepted
    Hi Tapuwa

    Customer care forms the foundation to any aspirations to establish a strategy that “Manages Customer Relationships”. As in any “relationship” – the “care” comes first.:-)

    t程度o which effective customer care can impact the bottom-line of an organisation was quantified by TARP nearly 25 years ago. Their findings were well publicised in Tom Peter’s “Thriving on Chaos” (Macmillan Books) when he pointed out that “A well handled problem usually breads more loyalty than you had before the negative incident”.

    The benefit of effective customer care not only improves customer loyalty in terms of buying more of your products but also in terms of customers’ propensity to recommend you to others.

    Poor customer care results in negative word-of-mouth and increased costs.

    I hope this helps a little.


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