
Topic: Career/Training

Mba In Marketing From Columbia Or Wharton?

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points
I am currently an account executive at a NYC based PR agency and have a BA in business, graduating from an honors program 3 years ago. I am interested in going into corporate side marketing strategy and have decided to apply to full time MBA programs. Also, I have strong interests in entrepreneurship and international business which I desire to integrate into my marketing interest.

Columbia seems to be my first choice because I would ideally like to stay in NYC for school, and would like to have access to a wide NYC alumni base to build my career in NY. However, I read in a previous posting that Columbia might be a school to avoid for a marketing MBA as opposed to other top marketing programs. (if you read this kevin.horne, could you comment further on that; also, any reason you didn't mention Wharton on your list?) Wharton seems to have one of the most established and recognized marketing departments and also has top ranked international business and entrepreneurship departments. Also, it seems that Wharton has heavily invested in its facilities and is otherwise generally considered to be among the very best business schools along with Harvard. With that said, Harvard doesn't draw my interest I would like a school with a large breadth of marketing specific course offerings.

Here are my two main questions:

1) What comments/insights do you have re: Columbia's marketing MBA program in contrast to Wharton's program?

2) What value do you place in a degree from either Columbia or Wharton as opposed to Stern (which seems to be more of a part time program at its core)?
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  • Posted byA-Luxon Accepted
    Hi David,

    Either MBA will be good but if you want a little kick up Wharton is the better choice. It is the best school for international business and they will help you with your career once you get your MBA. You will be a member of the Wharton Club and they do many networking events and help each other a lot.

    我在发布/ digital media business and most top executives in our industry have their MBA's from Wharton. I looked at the Business Week listings for the top executives and most had Wharton MBA's, fewer had Harvard.

    I have an MBA from Smith (University of Maryland (#25 rating) and have gone to Harvard for Strategic Marketing classes.

    It really shouldn't matter but Wharton will set you in the right career path.

    Good luck, Ani
  • Posted on Member
    I concur with most of the previous posters...these are two fine schools. As an Account Exec, you also want to ask yourself the WHY of going back to school at this point in your career. Prestige may get you noticed by your peers...but...unless they're your customers...who cares? It's all about making connections. Any top-ranked school will get you that much, but look at the courses and more importantly the profs...are they where you are going? Sorry, but I think you need to do a little more personal research before making a $50-80K and 2-3 year commitment to a program and school.

    Good luck!
    Debi Brady
    Writing & Marketing Consultant

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