
Topic: Strategy

Need For Segmentation Advice To Professionals Only

Posted by Anonymous on 350 Points
Dear marketers,
Here is the case I need your feedback:

New company, unique products for the market.
- selling to companies ( b2b)
- Products- bags (from UTA, cotton, Poplyprolyene)
- till now in the capital only (an expansion is previewed in other citie of the country)

See what I did:
Segment the market b2b in:
Companies who do promotions, events and loyalty programs and company who does not do anything like this.

Use of bags depending the indentifies needs:
- Need to carry easily more than one products:A simple bag imprinted or not with the company / product logo. The eed is to have a bag to put the products (from shopping) insight. This is the case of polyetilene bags. (seen in every shop). For me - quite a basic need.

- Need for communication and image building - same bags but with high quality print and special design (again plastic bags but better quality)

- Need for raise the sales and build loyalty via promotions & gifts- companies who what to launch promo packs campaign, loyalty programs or events etc. - they need a bag (from UTA ot Cotton)

So what I did is:
Segment the b2b market in:
- Geographic regions
- Type of business (food and beverage, cosmetic and hygiene etc...)
- Decision-maker
- And of course by need - companies who need to make promotions, loyalty programs, events etc..

What do you think?

Please let me know what do you think. Do you have any remarks, experiences in this area?

Your feedback is valuable for me.


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  • Posted byA-Luxon Accepted
    Hi Maria,

    It seems like you have done some good work with segmentation. I agree with streatpe and paca001 as well. Most of my time is sent on segmentation analysis for B2B companies.

    - I start with existing customers (looking for the most profitable customer segment) and how they actually use the product (everything the streatpe mentioned as well.
    - Do a competitive SWOT analysis to see how we measure up with the competition, and see if there are any segments we can grow into that we don't have right now. This is usually good if you want to expand your market share.
    - I then come up with all the different segments and write how we fulfill their needs.
    - Based on the needs I look to see if I can condense the segments so we don't spread ourselves too thin. And come up with let's say 3-4 solid segments we can target, and then start crafting integrated campaigns for each segment.
    - Also, always keep in mind the actual user of the bag (the consumer) at the end of transaction, that you are not selling to but whose opinion will influence your buyer to buy more from you. Think of your customers' customer.

    你是在正确的轨道上。祝你好运。袋的声音like more fun than the segments I deal with across the divisions here at my job.

    Please let me know how it goes and if you learn any lessons along the way that could be good to share.

    Cheers, Ani

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