
Topic: Advertising/PR

Writing Articles To Increase Promotion For Product

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have been hired to control the marketing for a company who sells T-Shirts online. We are looking to expand our reach on a shoe string and I keep hearing about writing articles to increase traffic to your site. Does this really work? Will it work for products such as mine? Any good techniques or resources to find places to submit articles?

Chris :)
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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    You may want to check out some Blog posts which I have written:

    The second one talks about By-Line articles, which is what you are asking about.
  • Posted byMANSINGon Accepted
    Hi Chris,

    I think this is a great idea and I am sure it will be successful. I was reading book on marketing and online business. They have suggested so many good ways about the marketing via article. Will discuss few issues with you…!

    Let’s ask your self: why should I write an article about selling T shirt? Or, why should I waste my time? Nobody is going to read it. Or, you want me to pay money to distribute my article where?

    Writing articles is one of the most important aspects of any sales and marketing campaign, regardless of business type. Writing articles demonstrates knowledge. Knowledge creates credibility. Credibility creates consumer comfort. Consumer comfort creates spending and well earns profits.

    Let’s start with brochures - you handing out product brochures to clients, generally they already know about you. What about the hundreds, thousands and millions of potential clients that don't know about you. Let them find you with a little effort on your behalf.

    Especially online, articles are generally text driven! Search engines only read text, not images. So, sounds like an all round smart idea. I can't find one bad thing about writing articles on your products, services, and industry or technology advancements. Can you?

    If you think like that, you'll have great success with your online marketing. Writing articles is what its all about for credibility, so get cracking, purchase some quality marketing software and start writing.

    If you struggle with the written work, then employ a professional copywriter to put together those killer articles on your behalf, or at least proof read them anyway. Good luck and happy writing!

    I hope this will help!


    M Bhor

  • Posted byMaximuson Accepted
    Hi Chris,

    This might help you to write the articles of T-shirts:

    Try to keep you articles keyword-rich as it is very important if you're markting your website online. The main keyword should appear once in the topic of the article, twice in the first paragraph of the article, and the secondary keywords should appear once in every paragraph of the article. let me suggest you few keywords:

    T-shirts, t-shirt, funny t-shirts, custom t-shirts, shirts, tee shirts, tight shirt, hawaiian shirts, women in wet t shirts, shirt no bra, polo shirts, white tee, tee, pink tee, clothing, plus size clothing, womens clothing, express clothing.

    Any other info you need , do let me know


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