
Topic: Research/Metrics

A Question You Can Answer In Any Way You Wish

发布的Anonymous on 1000 Points
Greetings My Dear Associates:

I will put this question on several KHE areas. I am researching, and would like for everyone, not only on the site, but people you know to answer this question, and put the answers here. Your response may blast itself into your head immediately, or you may wish to think about it a while. Any way you wish, answer the question, honestly.

It is a simple question, with complex undertones. OK - This is the question you are to complete:

If everyone felt responsible...

That's it. Just complete this sentence.
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  • 发布的MANSINGon Accepted
    Hi W.M.M.A.,

    That’s really cool question.

    If everyone felt responsible...

    Then what?

    • Well, how do we hold them responsible?

    或I will say?

    • We could make a nice love story, where at the end everybody's kissing, and that's a happy ending

    • It will solve all the problem


    M Bhor
  • 发布的Frank Hurtteon Accepted
    if everone felt responsible -

    - it would play havoc to the manager profession...
    - it would be great for the personal training business..
    - there would be a heck of a lot less litter on the highway.
    - there would be no need for government welfare
  • 发布的darcy.moenon Accepted
    If everyone felt responsible, we would feel guilty. Some would hide in shame, and others would be working towards correcting their actions so it wouldn't happen again.
  • Posted on Accepted
    There would be no vices- No identity theft, murder, child abuse or any other type of violence. The world would indeed be a much safer place.
  • 发布的Maximuson Accepted
    If everyone felt responsible... then there will be no pain and the world will move far ahead what human brain may have not thought

  • Posted on Accepted
    If everyone felt responsible...we would do no harm. Our world would be a world of peace, love and joy.
  • Posted on Accepted
    If we all felt responsible, we would all argue over who was the most responsible,

    To make people embrace an idea or strategy, fear is the most effective motivation.

    Peter Hobday

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