
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Of Software Reporting Tool - Pyxis Infoaxis

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

We have a new reporting tool that will integrate data from most of our many products and potentially other systems such as billing, etc that exist at our customers facility, and report on all the data, making sense of the data. A tool that integrates data from multiple systems and reports on it.

Our primary name right now is:

Pyxis InfoAxis system

we did some research in a small group and this was a favorite. What do you think? Any ideas?

Other ideas include:


We can't use word data.

Our naming strategy is generic descriptive in that the names we choose should imply what the product is. All names have the division name first followed by the product name that implies function followed by its noun "system". A lot of our names are compound names such as MedStation, SupplyStation..but not all. We also have single names such as Reporter, Consultant, Remote Manager.

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  • Posted on Member
    I agree with WMMA, does Pyxis mean something? Why can you not use the word data in the name? I would stick with names that are descriptive such as:

    X-Mine (mining data across multiple platforms)
    Integrated Info

    Good luck!
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    Pyxis InfoAxis system
    I think this is too long...

    ReportMine has a nice ring to it....

    I could see a tag line of something like...
    ReportMine - the people friendly business frontend
  • Posted on Author
    谢谢你的回答和建议从Alyson. I like X-mine, and TotalVu. The reason you see Pyxis is that is out division name. If you are in the hosptial healthcare industry, it's a very familiar brand so it theoretically adds value since people will automatically at least know where the product is from if not what it does. So Reportmine would be Pyxis ReportMine. It's a big company so we have some rigid naming restrictions..probably for the best.

    I'll repitch reportmine to our team and see if it goes.

    Let me know if you think of anything else. I'm going to wait til next week to close out this questions.
  • Posted byMANSINGon Member
    Hi KJ

    Try this..!

    1. Pyxis insight
    2. Pyxis smart
    3. Pyxis all
    4. Pyxis view
    5. Pyxisbase
    6. Pyxisideal /ideal Pyxis


    M Bhor
  • Posted byMaximuson Member

    You can try these names too:

    Pyxis DatumStage
    Pyxis InfoStage
    Pyxis Mito-Stage (this name inspired from the powerhouse of the cell--Mitochondria)
    Pyxis DatumJuncture
    Pyxis DatumCore
    Pyxis DatumBank
    Pyxis eReporter
    罗盘座360年竞争w Report
    罗盘座360年竞争w Stage
    Pyxis eCentric

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks everyone for your great feedback. I especially liked the comment about not have "system" be our noun modifier. We are trying to simplify not complicate.

    And yes, Mr. Hitchcock is right that we have a lot of products, many of which are similar. The result is often times the people call every one of our product "The Pyxis" as opposed to what the product actually is.

    I'm going to close this question and take these great coments to the bank.

    Thx again.

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