
Topic: Career/Training

Quantitative Marketing Tools For B2b

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
A little background: I am a statistical consultant (PhD in Business Administration with concentration in Statistics) working for a large company that lives in the B2B environment. I completed my research on statistically optimal designs for choice based conjoint analysis and was hired to bring and develop a marketing competency to the group I work in.

The question: Recently I have been asked to develop some materials and offerings for marketing professionals in our company. I am looking for information on tools that have been used effectively in the B2B environment (In particular quantitative tools, I am a statistician, but would welcome recommendations on any tools). Can you provide me with any references that would be a good place to start identifying tools that may be applicable?


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  • Posted byMANSINGon Accepted

    My knowledge is very limited in Business to Business Marketing tools. As you know when it is comes to the relations of commercial partners, without serving the end consumer , three things are very important for the marketer to follow:

    • Competitive pricing,
    • Good customer service
    • High quality

    But the next single most important thing/tool is user-friendly “Web site”. I have attached few website I hope they will give you speacific direction.

    I hope this will help!


    M Bhor

    Try this WebPages:

  • Posted bykpalmeron Member
    As you have requested: tools for marketing professionals:

    a) CRM - Contact Management Software which actually plans a sale, plans the email sendouts, sends out the emails, merges sales letters with contact information, schedules and reminds of meetings, rates marketing professionals on closure rates, scores them on progress through the sales cycles, motivates and rewards hustling staff and makes non-hustling staff apparent to Marketing Managers and more. We use a specific type - but there are hundreds out there.

    b) Automated Proposal Software: Actually produces proposals for your marketing personnel, comes with various marketing letters in template format and requires only that your people plunk in your corporate office information into the holes: the software does the rest - cuts down significantly the time spent on propposals and increases your overall win ratios significantly - I closed a 2.2 million dollar deal with mine after the first month!

    c) Survey Software - allows marketing to ask people various questions in a format which provides branching and result tabulation in a manner which a child could understand and therefore make better decisions...

    These three tools are used at my office to close more deals, help our customers and significantly have increasd our overall win ratios on proposals.

    For more info, see our site,

    thanks, Kevin
  • Posted byMaximuson Member
    Hi Niketa,

    here are few Tools for research from weblinks:


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