
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Search Engine Needs A Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
We had a brainstorming session for a tagline – the tagline is for a search engine of forums & discussion boards – the domain name is ask sootra dot com. The service is yet to be launched.

Any recommendations?

Site Details:

- Ask Sootra stands for questions about forum threads – literally – ask is question and sootra is thread

- The site is a forum search engine designed to provide relevant information on any topic, quickly and efficiently while ensuring one get results only from forums and discussion boards

- The site is a meeting point for anyone and everyone who has questions and wants information from through real discussions on the web

Some Tagline Ideas:

- The tag line should convey something about the domain name - i.e. Ask Sootra

- The slogan could contain (not necessarily) at least one the following attributes:
Real discussion
Expert advice and information
Real answers from real people
Search pages created by real people and not web masters

- Tagline should cater to what the site will be: A tool for finding resources on any discussion forums on the World Wide Web

Sample taglines of competitors:

- Yahoo answers - Ask. Answer. Discover
- Snap: The other way to search
- Big: The most readable results on the web
- Comma Sutra: The guide to grammatical satisfaction
- Ask Metafilter: Querying the have mind

OR something like:
- Search the forum world
- Answers at your finger tips

Background information:

- Who are your customers?
Anyone who has a question and looking for information or is looking to search forums/discussion boards

- What benefits do you give your customers?
All the information in the database is from forum threads only

- Answers from real people.
High quality results from discussion pages created by real people and not pages optimized to show in search engines

- What feelings do you want to evoke in your customers?
A "call for action" that gets them to visit our web page.

- How are you different from your competition?
等搜索引擎 engines for blogs

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  • Posted byMaximuson Accepted
    You can try...

    Ask Sootra: The Pandora Box of All Your Questions

    Ask Sootra: The Questionbank

    Ask Sootra: Ask Questions The Smart Way

    Ask Sootra: The Global Q&A Center

    Ask Sootra: Find Interesting Minds in the World

    Ask Sootra: Search for Grey Matter

    Ask Sootra: Unprecedented Roster of Brilliant Minds

    Ask Sootra: Everything is permitted, and nothing is excluded from this intellectual game.

    Ask Sootra: Free zone for the Exchange of Potent Ideas.

    Ask Sootra: Electronic Discourse on the Web to a Whole New Level.

    Ask Sootra: Big, deep and ambitous questions... breathtaking in scope.

    Hope you will find the best among these

  • Posted byMANSINGon Member
    Hi Rohmagan03,

    Your search engine name is very well connected with Indian word “Sutra”; The Word kamasutra (Kama + Sutra) also a combination of the above word. So what does it mean? It means a rope or thread that holds things together

    Let’s think about the tagline:

    1. Meaning to sew
    2. Gathering and Reporting
    3. Searching for High-end techniques
    4. Now, discover your solutions
    5. Beyond Imagination
    6. Clear and focused link
    7. Linking you from Everywhere
    8. From Anything from anywhere

    I hope this will help!


    M Bhor
  • Posted bydarcy.moenon Member
    Asksootra: everyone answers.

    Asksootra: answers found

    I'm in a short, but sweet mood tonite.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted bydarcy.moenon Member
    Asksootra: questions asked answered

    Dunno if its proper grammar, but...I like the way it rolls off my tongue
  • Posted byNatashaChernavskaon Member
    Hello, Roh!

    Ask Sootra - Forum answers

    Good Luck!

  • Posted byTatyianaon Member
    Ask Sootra - You Ask. They Answered.
    Ask Sootra - Answered.

    I need a coffee .... or maybe a glass of wine and try to do better...

  • Posted byNovaHammeron Member
    Ask Sutra - The mind has a thousand eyes and Sutra has thousands of minds ...

  • Posted on Member
    Ask Sootra- Words of Wisdom

    Ask Sootra- Worlds of Wisdom

    ? Sootra- Ask- Recieved- Done!

    Ask Sootra- The World at Your Fingertips

    Ask Sootra- (One) Click Away!

  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    Ask Sootra.. the font of all knowledge has a nice ring

    I also thought
    Ask Sootra ... The combined power of 4 billion Minds

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