
Topic: Research/Metrics


Posted bysturtzcon 25 Points
Has anyone ever measured campaign success from a live webinar versus a pre-recorded event?

Of course, it would be nice to always give users live access to the speaker and provide an opportunity to ask questions. However, it is often easier to promote or re-promote an event that has already occured.

Has anyone done this in the past? Was it a positive experience?
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  • Posted bydarcy.moenon Accepted
    One pf the associations that hired me to do a webinar has kep a copy online in their archives. I had 65 people attend the webinar live, and another 180 plus bought (reserved) a copy on CD for watching later or for their own records.

    The archive version of the host association brings in a few phone calls every month, and at least one sale.

    Since its work you've already done, and it does not cost very much to keep it around for new visitors or members to see (and learn from), why not park it? If it creates sales and cash flow too, even better.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network

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