
Topic: Strategy

Corporate Portal For Marketers Across Divisions

Posted byA-Luxon 250 Points
I am trying to build an internal portal for marketers across divisions and was looking for some guidance or lessons learned.

The goal is to provide the marketers with tools and samples so they can create effective campaigns for their respective products and services. Mostly "how to's" and samples of winning campaigns. I was also going to post benchmarks so they see where they stand.

So basically I used the HBS Note on Marketing sections to categorize the information and tools and dumped it all in 3 buckets (Creating, Delivering and Sustaining Value):
•Marketing Analysis (The 5 C’s)
•Target Market Selection
Market Segmentation
Product and Service Positioning

•Marketing Programs (The 4 P’s)
•Product & Service
•Place (Channels of distribution)
•Promotions (Communications Strategy – The 6 M’s)

•Customer Acquisition
•Customer Retention

Then, I was thinking of building an internal forum where marketers can ask questions and exchange notes.

Has anyone done this internally? Any thoughts or lessons learned?

那nk you in advance, Ani
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  • Posted byA-Luxon Author
    Hi D4,

    那nk you for your response. My question though is related to the marketing aspect. I want to have the right content posted and I wanted it to be easy to understand. Am I thinking the marketing categories/buckets right?

    The intranet will be build by our internal IT team and I hope I will not have problems there but I will save your suggestions in case I hit any roadblocks.

    那nk you, Ani
  • Posted bydarcy.moenon Accepted
    I think you have some good information in the right categories. It might be a lot of reading...which is something many folks are loathe to do these days.

    Check out some of the opensource content managment systems out there too. As good, and perhaps even better, than the commercial products.

    Darcy Moen
    Open Source Software advocate.
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    why not ask the fine folks at marketingprofs if they could set up a private intra-net for you. Then you could load questions from the forum onto your site with specific comments aimed at your own products...

    You get the input from thousands of others with side comments read only by your people...

  • Posted byA-Luxon Author
    那nks rbauman,

    The thing is that the audience doesn't quite know what they want. I am trying to build up the knowledge level of the marketers and I was thinking that creating an intranet with tools would be useful.

    I am also thinking that there has to be someone out there who has gone through the same steps that might help.

    那nk you for your reply.
  • Posted bysteven.alkeron Accepted
    I usually try to refrain from advertising here, but as everyone else is at it (!) and all our solutions in this area utilise Maximizer Enterprise eCRM platforms with their built-in portal structures, I can’t really avoid it!

    We’ve implemented a number of intranet based sales and marketing portals for use by internal staff, business partners such as distribution channels and even customers.

    The bullet points you mentioned in your posting all draw on information which should reside in your CRM system. That way, at least the numeric information and any subsequent analysis or reporting can be handled from the CRM system itself and more importantly it can be generated and updated automatically.

    Value or opinion based forum discussions can then be handled by using a thread based architecture which will either be already inherent in your CRM software or can be easily integrated into to a portal from suppliers such as those already mentioned.

    Getting your IT team to design one from scratch is about as sensible as getting them to come up with a new spreadsheet software or a new word processor. It’s reinventing the wheel.

    The greatest levels of success which we have observed are where the numbers which are recorded as part of the day to day activities associated with the CRM system are made available to the users in the form of structured and occasionally ad-hoc reports and of course a Dashboard. Forum discussions based on the actual numbers which are driving your business then tend to shift from the waffle end of the spectrum to something much more focussed and useful.

    Best wishes

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions

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