
Topic: Copywriting

Trademark Just The Idea Of It?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have an idea of a system to keep track of things. It would have to involve some technology that I do not have expertise in. Can I just trademark the whole idea of it all working together or do I have to have the technology to make it all work first?
Thank you for any help.
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  • Posted on Member
    I think you may mean "patent" rather than "trademark." A trademark would protect only your name or logo. A patent secures the right to an idea along the lines of what you're describing.

    To apply for a patent, which could take considerable time and effort to clear, you need to be able to describe your system and how it would work, but you don't necessarily need to have a working model.
  • Posted byBilld724 Member
    Hi Zalmajd,

    The above advice from Mzimmer999 and BrianL is dead on.

    To protect an 'idea' like a 'system' or, the software required to operate it, you need a patent. A trademark only protects the 'mark' under which you go to the marketplace. And you will probably want / need that, too.

    Given the inane degree of specificity you need to provide to apply for and, if you're lucky, actually receive a patent in return, it doesn't sound like you're anywhere near ready to do that.

    Sounds like a patent situation more than a trademark. And if this is really valuable to you -- currently or potentially -- invest in an attorney who specializes in protecting intellectual property and avoid the heartache of not doing this right.

    All the best to you!


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