
Topic: Website Critique

Web Site Usability Test

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are looking for a handful of people to test our new site design and are interested, preferably, in people with PR experience or skill in working with existing public relations software solutions.

Can anyone recommend at least 3 separate, distinct avenues we can explore? The budget for the project is not enormous, as you can expect, but we would be willing to pay for strong grounded critical and/or scientific analysis of the site.

Any suggestions in response to this post would be great also. www dot DiGiTAL50 dot com.

Points awarded to the most helpful 5 answers over the next 7 days.

- G.Pick, Director
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  • Posted byA-Luxon Member
    Hi G.Pick,

    I work with PR and information sites regularly. Contact me if you want to do a usability study. I use BusinessWire regularly.

    Do you have the persona's and user tasks defined?

    How will you conduct the usability test? In a lab or online.
    One tool I like very much is CamStudio (open source) or Camtasia (paid) to record the user experience and see where they stumble.

    Are your customers PR professionals who want a tool to aggregate all news (blogs etc) published about their company or brand?

    Right of the bat there are few things I would do to make the site better. You don't have to post all categories (industries) on the left hand corner, it's a bit overwhelming even if you are a text junkie. Maybe just swap the Today's News with the Daily News would simplify things a bit.

    I can go on and write you a critique but I am pressed for time.

    I'd follow the model for organizing categories. It is easy to scan.

    God luck to you.

    Let me know if you need any help with conducting a usability study or if you want me to just be one of your users to test the site.

    Cheers, Ani
