
Topic: Strategy

Market Intelligence Unit - Export Promotion Center

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am Market Intelligence Executive and responsible of setting up the Market Intelligence Unit in a Governmental Export Promotion Center, and I supposed to build a structure for such unit that is to be the back bone of the organization I am working in, so How can I build such structure to get a reliable system of this unit?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    You should contact similar institutions in other countries,
    approach International Trade Center (United Nations)
    and subscribe to magazines such as Puzzle
  • Posted byA-Luxon Accepted
    Hi engshaltout,

    You didn't mention where you are from so I can't help you with specifics... but here are some basic steps.

    First you need to figure out where you Market Intelligence is coming from. (embassies, trade associations, trusted private consultants.

    Then you have to categorize that information and enter it in a data-bank. You can decide who has rights to the information later. (you can also sell the information to private companies that need it to do business)

    Once you have all the data in categories (in a web site preferably) then just should devise an outreach marketing plan to promote the fact that you have a Market Intelligence Unit with reputable analysts etc.

    A good content management system will help to keep your data organized and easy to get to.

    Try to mirror the same organizations in some other progressive countries that have done a good job at it.

    Ani Luxner

  • Posted byA-Luxon Member
    Have you looked at the US department of Commerce site?

    Also I think what would be a perfect example for you is to look at the STAT-USA site that the department of commerce has created. It is the same essential idea as your MIU unit. You have to pay to get access to STAT-USA but it is worth while. Also TDA Trade Development Association does a good job as well.

    This is not a quick solution but with some research "inshalla" you can put it together. Congratulations on your efforts, it is a great thing to do.

    Ani Luxner

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