
Topic: Copywriting

B 2 B Ad/direct Mail Piece

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are B2B clinical financial audit consultants. Our target audience are CFOs within hospitals. I would like to know if putting our logo onto a medicine bottle positioned as the "reliever" of their lost revenue would be a good and catchy approach. In addition, I would indicate the "prescription" etc. as a call to action.

It will be an ad in an industry magazine (budget permiting) and also as a direct mail piece.

Thoughts? Ideas? Thanks!!
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  • Posted byTraceyon Member
    Hi, one thought - you're not really "relieving" lost revenue, you're saving or finding it, right? So while I understand the concept, it doesn't seem to fit 100%.

    Perhaps it would be good to target your messaging to the individual instead of the industry, since ultimately, the individual is making the decision. What are points that would hit home with hospital CFOs? Do they want to save time because they are overwhelmed? Do they want to be the "heroes" of their organization? Then you can think of images or a theme that fits your goal.

    That said, I don't think the bottle is a bad idea... it's much easier to critique an idea than to come up with it and implement it. Graphically, I imagine the bottle as being a catchy, clean looking image.
  • Posted on Author
    What great feedback!! Thanks!! I am focusing now on a strenghth that we have and it's our 30 yrs in business. I am thinking of changing the image to a newborn baby as the image and the copy that reads: "Over 30 yrs ago, a leader was born!"... that will set us apart from the rest. Will this put me on the right track?
  • Posted bymktgcbbon Member
    This may not be very creative. . .but you're focusing on the CFO's and decision makers. You might get their attention briefly with a medicine bottle, but that would just be one more thing to clutter their already overcluttered office--and may never get past the assistant. A baby with the tagline--"over 30 years ago a leader was born" focuses on you. A busy CFO wants to know what you can do for him/her. An email. a postcard, a letter a voicemail that succinctly and without gimmick states what problem you can solve for him and gives multiple ways to reach you or get more information will be most effective. Possibly try a free whitepaper and follow up with a call. People want information and solutions, not to be sold.
  • Posted byPhoenix ONEon Accepted
    Quite frankly, that concept has been overused,

    4年前我们实际上做的,客户是谁marketing to hospitals administrators, and again 2 years later for a client marketing to CFO's in the Health Care Industry. Both were successful but required 2 secondary mailing pieces to enforce the message!

    While it maybe viewed as cleaver and cute it is no longer unique. We have see it done but at least 4 other agencies.

    I would also add you are marketing to CFO's "over serious professionals" and in many instances they have a "disdain & skepticism" for cute marketing.

    There a quite a few campaigns that could be created that would be more cleaver, offer a greater direct response and as important greater ROI on your marketing dollars.

    Consult with a good agency and develop an exceptional ad and reinforce it with a 2 card direct mail piece with "progressive calls to action"
    Feature on the problem before you outline the solution.

    Hope this helps

    Good Luck & Happy Marketing ~ Bill

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