
Topic: Student Questions

What To Research ???

Posted byHanon 25 Points
hey guys,
need help in doing some research,
i need ideas of on what topic should i do research on

for example, should human cloning be practise?
the myth of 12 animals in lunar calendar...
or something like that

its something interesting to attract attention...
appreciate if u guys gave any ideas on what topic should i do a thorough research....
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  • Posted on Accepted

    Why not look and see what kewords folks are searching for and tie your research into that?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hmmm, must it be of any specific genre?

    Apart from marketing, i do sometimes spend time just reading about the possibilty of Time travelling and the theories and paradox. It could be the future, it could be not.

    You also could think differently. Go for simplicity. Go for things that are close to us, yet there's really more to them than we think we know about. Example, the mathematical constant Pi. 3.14, did you know that its infinite? It has many properties and till today we have not totally understand this constant. And amazingly, we used Pi in all of calculations for the Universe. If someone managed to derive Pi as 4.99, there's going to be a HUGE change in every formulas we had every known.

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