
Topic: Taglines/Names

Catchy Taglines For Brown Bag Fitness Talks.

Posted bygphikonoskeon 250 Points
I am a fitness professional who will be conducting three "brown bag" lunch fitness talks regarding the following topics:

1. Introduction to Exercise, Nutrition, and Goal Setting
2. "Get over the Hump"- How to alter your current program for success.
3. Continuing on the road of success and life-long changes.

我说到g to a group of obese finance executives interested in getting into shape. I would like to make it session part of a larger theme. For example, when I was working with athletes, I used "The kickoff: Intro to Exercise...." and "Half-time": How to win the game."

I am looking for a theme that would resonate with bankers. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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  • Posted byTraceyon Accepted
    Investing in Yourself
    Common Cents for Your Health (or Exercise, Body, etc.)
    Out From Behind the Desk!
    Long-Term Investment... in You
    Your Life Account (Your Health Account)
    Healthy Dividends
  • Posted on Member
    I'd go with the brown bag lunch theme

    Tell them to pack it the way they would "normally" and then step back and pack it the way they know they should.

    Create a bank account of nutritional value of foods selected, season in how exercise and goal setting add to bank account (investments) keeping the banking theme as investment for the future for all your programs. Use debit/credit analysis and other financial/banking terms...Bank on Your Health kind of thing


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