
Topic: Taglines/Names

Real Estate Slogan Help Please!

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
My name is Veronica Patino and I'm a newer realtor in Illinois. I'm trying to distinguish myself from the rest ( though the numbers are dwindling thanks to the market). Anyhow, I don't want to be nextto leave!!! :P A little about me, I've been in real estate for 7 years, I started off working in the office until a year ago when my broker asked me if I'd consider getting my license. In an office of over 50 agents I'm the only one who speaks Spanish. Amazingly, I've done ok for a newbi but next year I REALLY want to change things up. I don't have a slogan...could never think of one. Random things about me, I've ived in my county my entire life, love working with both buyers and sellers. Lately I've mostly delt with first time home buyers, we can relate to eachother better being we're about the same age and I just bought my first home myself. I'm tech savvy, love animals...hmm guess thats it!

Oh and although I speak Spanish fluently I don't want to limit myself to just the Spanish speaking community. After all, I speak English just as well.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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  • Posted byBilld724on Accepted
    H Veronica --

    Randall's given you excellent advice for looking up the 'wisdom' of so many others.

    But if you're serious about taking your business to the 'Next Level' and distinguish yourself, I will tell you there's no finer resource for you than Brian Buffini.

    If you've never heard of him, you want to get to know him. I did an article about him, even attended his programs 'for Realtors only' and I am very impressed. By the way, my mom was in real estate for 42 years so I know real estate albeit vicariously. Brian's the 'real deal' and can make you very, very successful.

    Check him out:

    And 'buena suerte'

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