
Topic: E-Marketing

Online Ad Rates

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Can someone please help--

I am looking for online advertising rates for standard rectangle ads, etc.

我意识到利率大幅改变取决于site, traffic, freq, etc.

However I am having great difficulty getting any kind of rates from the companies I contact. (Since this is for a school project, not a real company, with no real money. Even if I pretend to be a working for a client).

- Anyway, are there some averages rates by size, by industry, or something published by IAB?

- Or can anyone throw out some really rough ballpark ranges.

- Or know of any larger sites that publish their rate cards online, (without having to speak to sales rep)

- Or any other suggestions where I can get rough rates?

(I can't find anything but rate cards for very small sites online.)

Thank you.

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  • Posted byAmSamon Accepted
    Answer to your question, depends on the method of advertising you are looking at. If you are looking at publishing banner ads by directly contacting the website owners, the rates will depend on their pricing.

    But, nearly 90% of the online banner advertising are not streamed directly through the website owners. Instead, most of these banner ads are directed through online ad serving services like Google Adsense, Bannerconnect, Adbrite or Yahoo search marketing.

    They act as an offline advertising agency, and take orders from the advertisers and place the ads on publishers registered on their network. For example, if you want to place a standards banner ad, you can create a Google Adwords account and run a "site targeted campaign" targeting MarketingProfs.Com. Your ad will be displayed on MP.COM, but the contract is not between you and MP.COM.

    The price for your ad will depend on the competition from other advertisers to place ads on There is no such "pre defined price". You can set your maximum bid, and subject to that bid, google (Or any other ad serving service you selected) will charge you for the advertising.

    Normally, these banner ads are charged based on "Cost per 1000 impressions"(CPM)basis. I have experiences of placing banner ads on the social network site, through Google adwords and it cost us about 0.25USD per 1000 impressions. offers fixed rate CPM banner advertising solutions, at a 0.50 USD per 1000 impressions.

    There are few factors affecting the pricing

    1) Popularity of the targeted site (Competition to advertise on it)
    2) Product you are advertising (Normally the prices for high value products are higher, because advertisers set higher bids, as they can receive higher ROI)
    3) Your selected geographical targeting US may be costly, but targeting India may be much cheaper.Depends on the internet penetration of the country)
    4) Your daily budget and maximum bid

    Best thing I can suggest you is, to test a Google Adwords campaign for a site targeted banner ad campaign, and get a feeling about the pricing mechanism. It will cost you only 5 USD to open an Adwords account, and you can spend about another 10 to 15 dollars, to test your project. I'm sure that investment will worth, in your school project a lot.

    And, for your question "rate card for any major online site", here's a "secret" rate card leaked out, from FaceBook.Com

    Hope this is helpful

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