
Topic: Website Critique

Landing Page Critique Please

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points

I am developing an online lead gen product and would like you to let me know your thoughts on my landing page. It has gotten a ton of interest and I am getting leads for people interested in my program. I would like to know what you guys think :-)

The URL is

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  • Posted byJoeon Accepted
    I would run a test with a tool like Google's free website optimizer. Page as is doesn't jump out at me and scream what it is you're selling. I think the bit of copy at lower right seemed to get at the selling point. Personally, I hate having to sit through flash and immediately mute when the page starts talking at me. Maybe test current version vs. a static ad in place of flash. I figure the visitor has to know the 1 or 2 most important things about you in 5 seconds on a landing page. Testing should reveal the right path, then it's not a matter of personal preference anymore.
  • 贴在 Author
    Thnk you for your comments. I am also creating a static micro-site as well. There will both sites up and running at the same time. Again, thank you so far!

  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    Great job, much better than the average landing page.

    Only thing I would add is the concept of A/B split landing pages. For example, your current "offer" is to fill out the form and contact your company. You could create a "B Version" of the landing page using all the existing design elements to save on cost. The only difference would be to offer a specific incentive to users for contacting you, e.g. a gift, white paper, tool or other information.

    Test the B version against the A version. There should be a clear winner. Then keep testing against the winner with new B versions.

    good luck,

  • 贴在 Author

    I have been struggling with an "offer" for a whitepaper or something but, I'm not sure how to tie it together with my page??? Any ideas?

  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    Yes Michael,

    I like some type of calculator tool that allows the prospect to plug in a few numbers and quickly see a meaningful result. For example, you could try a comparison tool showing how your services compare to a typical (average) competitor's services. Of course you are in a better position to know what the elements of the calculator should be. Also, it will be somewhat costly to produce, but you will have PR, social media and many ways to promote its use. And remember you are collecting data on your prospect base with every use of the calc.

    hope this helps,


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