
Topic: Strategy

New Business Proposal

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I have a new innovative business proposal of marketing a product which is quite necessary at this point of time for the public. I want to make it reach to the public. Should I meet any business consultant or marketing consultant to go ahead or what is the next step I should do with my idea?
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    If you don't have a marketing strategy, then you'll have no idea of where you're trying to go and how to get there.

    A consultant would be one way. Reading books/articles online is another. Meeting with a SCORE counselor is another.

    The point is you want to talk with someone who's done something similar to what you want to do, and follow their advice.
  • Posted byilanon Accepted
    Yes, you should consult with an expert.
    Experts see the kind of unique products you mention all the time and 9 out of 10 fail.
    It takes a group of experts in various fields to lift a brilliant product and make it a preference to a customer.
    Your next step should be to allocate enough budget in the entire scheme of things to hire a marketing expert/team
  • Posted byHans De Keulenaeron Accepted
    In my organisation, I've been running or participating to 100s of marketing projects which we perform in-house, outsource or any mixture. I cannot remember a single case where a vague project became clearer after bringing in an outside consultant. Usually, a vague brief leads to a lot of waste and disappointment.

    If you need somebody as a sounding board, a consultant would be fine, but you're the conductor of your project. Your plan is as good as it gets.

    If you're in the situation where you lack expertise, for example in marketing, teaming up with a partner might be a consideration.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi All,
    Thanks for all your response and suggestions. So marketing strategy and budget definitely matters and a team of experts, all this sounds appropriate to my plan. Thanks a lot once again for all.

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