
Topic: E-Marketing

Does Microblogging Hold Promise For B2b Marketing?

Posted byHans De Keulenaeron 125 Points
According to some, microblogging is the next big thing since email. But isn't the restriction of 140 characters per message too restrictive for the complex messages in business marketing.

Where do you see the applications of microblogging in b2b marketing?
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  • Posted byexcelliraon Member
    Many of these new fads seem fairly stupid at first. And then they build traction and someone sells some related technology for millions or billions. And then we feel stupid for not thinking of it. ;-)
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    在小组会议/谈话,人们一般only say a few sentences at a time (before someone else chimes in). The character "limitation" is perfect for this sort of chime-in.

    Also, the shorter the message, the more thought will need to be put into the message itself to make it "denser", which is ideal for B2B.
  • Posted byHans De Keulenaeron Author
    Thanks for the helpful comments. I would agree that current usefulness of microblogging in b2b appears to be limited. Time will tell whether this may change.

    Using microblogging chunks may be promising as soon as microblogging platforms allow to use multiple channels / account.

    Anyway, for the moment, let's keep a remote eye on microblogging.

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