
Topic: Advertising/PR

Involve The Company In Social Activities

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear all,

we are a company working for the Arab countries. i am in charge of finding a creative idea to involve our company in any social activity. for example, maybe offering educatioin for free for top students.

I would like you to help me find ideas so that i can submit to the board of directore as many ideas as i can.

Thank you in advance
nathaly saba
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  • Posted on Member
    What type of company and what do you wish to achieve by involving the company in social activity

    Who are you trying to reach and why
  • Posted on Member
    Once you determine who you're trying to reach and why, you'll be better prepared to find the right activity.

    I would also look at the political and social landscape here in the US and how your client will be viewed based on that data.

    If you're simply looking for a way for your client to interact in a positive way with the general US population, you may want to try:
    - a year-round program to help feed the homeless, especially during non-holiday months;
    - a program to help single mothers with educational opportunities;
    - higher education for underpriviledged students;
    - donations to a domestic violence program.

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted byHans De Keulenaeron Member
    We've had a positive experience sponsoring part of a trade fair. For example a lunch, coffee break, reception of the event. Middle East companies tend to welcome foreign visitors. Making a speech at the event should be a reciprocal gesture that is quite acceptable.

    Otherwise, find a local association in your sector. Often, they are very well connected, but not cash-rich. Offering sponsorship for an activity may produce an attractive win-win situation for both parties.
  • Posted on Author
    We are in the field of IT consultancy. we do sell IT solutions to large and medium size organization. However, i need to create awarness since we are a new company. As mentioned previously, my target is Arab population such as Bahrain, kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

    I am lookinf for something creative, to donate or cooperate in a social activities, helping others and at the same time creating awarness about our company.

    what might be this social activity is my main issue? what to donate and who to help?

    Looking forward to receiving additional ideas

    thank you in advance

    nathaly saba
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Donate your services to local non-profits. That will create the best word-of-mouth and give you access to some important people as well.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Donate computer equipment to schools and daycares, children's clubs

    Offer basic training seminars to train the workforce in pc use

    Donate special equipment to meet the needs of users with disabilities

    Create an awareness project and teach how to program for people with disabilities (surfing the web, special software, etc.)

  • Posted on Member
    How about a "recycle for "

    Create a recycle day for old equipment
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Member
    How about working with an entrepreneur or incubator group (which could be nonprofit) and donate service?

    Pick the nonprofit you work with and make sure you get visibility. Have them treat your time as an inkind donation and put your logo on website, and other printed info.

    The recycling old electronics day is a good idea but don't do it until you have thoroughly resiearched what happens to the old equipment. It'll create worse bad than good publicity. I just did a paper on some of those equipment recycling nightmares. Some include ones you think would know better -- in conjunction with Earth Day. This site will help you.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted on Author
    thank you all for the ideas above, most of them are pretty intresting.

    However, the problem is that our company does not really sell computer equipments. We sell equipements as part of our consultancy projects, since we are IT consultants.

    So what do you think? providing training might be a good idea for disabled, but will it give us the image of IT training institution? would it harm the company's image?

    So what might be a solution to this situation?

    I really need your help... Thank you one more time and looking forward for your ideas.

    nathaly saba
  • Posted on Author
    hi Zahid,

    below is the answer to all the questions you asked me answer:
    1) My company really care about its people since we are consultants so what we sell is the time of our employees. therefore the more they are qualified, expert and trained, the more we meet our customers objectives and target.

    2) not sure that i got your question, however my company values honesty, high customer service, exceed clients' expectation, high quality service, maitain code of ethics and confidentiality in dealing with our clients' projects

    3)they consider us as beginner and foreigners, we would like them to consider us as experts and foreigners caring about them and their problems not only their money.

    4) no, we are not thinking of involving our company in a social activity as a reaction to a competitor's action.

    5) we don't want to be perceived as box pushers = hardware and software vendors

    6) donation or entertainment

    7) depending on the idea if it can be repeated each year or updated.

    hope that i have clearly answered your questions so that you can help me develop a really crative idea that will help us in the market

    thank you in advance
    awaiting your reply

    nathaly saba

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