
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Am Hosting A Non-profit Event & Need Name Ideas

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am hosting a non-profit event/concert to raise money for a charity. I need ideas for the name!! This year we are doing the Legionnaire disease, but we want a name that we could use every year and we're doing a different disease each year. HELP!!!!!!!!!

also, its on feb 15, so it can have something to do with love since its raising money for a disease and right next to valentines. just an idea!
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  • Posted on Member
    What kind of activities do you have in mind? What type of music, and which artists will perform?
  • Posted byHans De Keulenaeron Member
    I would not talk about diseases. Your theme is health.

    So you have health, love and music. You cannot loose!

    If it's a rock concert, you can use ' health, love and rock & roll '. If the next year, you're going for a chamber orchestra, use ' violins for health and love'.

    For something less boiler plate, you need to give some more details on the brand identity of your initiative (its history, who is targeted, the format of the event, ...).

    Good luck with the initiative.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Curing ____ One Dance At A Time
    Dance For The Cure
  • Posted on Member
    My belief is that for you to engage the emotions of concert goers, you have to include the name of the charity in the name of the concert. This will be your draw. If they are interest in funding the cause, they will attend.

    A lot of your marketing pitch will be toward this year's cause - how big of a problem is Legionnaires Disease? Is it big enough for anyone to be interested in the event?

    I think you have to sell the idea that the disease is a big problem before designing the benefit - what's your key message to your audience?
  • Posted on Author
    It is a non-profit event that will include music, silent auctions, and that kind of raising money stuff.

    It is a church that is putting it on, but it is not a "christian event", meaning that the music will not necessarily be christian music. i'm fairly certain it will be mostly rock music, although we do not have the lineup yet so i cant be certain. however, it is local bands. also i live in a very rich city which consists of mostly elderly people with nothing to do so there will definantly be plenty of people, plus we have all the local media covering it. we are putting who it targets and how big of a problem it is out there and everything. thanks for all the suggestions though.

    all we really need is help on what to name the event but we are going to use a different disease next year so we are trying to stear away from using the disease in the name for the purpose of using the same name every year so people keep coming back.

    i hope that answered everyones questions.
  • Posted bygphikonoskeon Member
    I agree with marketingriot... promoting the type of disease will be important to the overall marketing campaign of the event. For example, I attend as many of the American Cancer Society events as I can because my father and grandmother both had cancer.

    You have to build that connection with people who either have or no someone who has Legionnaires Disease. The theme of the event is not as important as what it supports.

  • Posted on Author
    i understand what you guys are saying. but what im saying is that its an annual event that we want to be able to use the same general name for every year. when we market it we will market it with the disease name and everything on the news and radio, etc. but we want a general name besides the name of the disease that we could repeat every year.

    all i need are name ideas. like what casey gave me.
  • Posted on Accepted
    You need to create a brand for your event, something short and with punch. Something like:

    Music Cures
    Music Heals
    Rock For A Cure Concert

    Then you can put a sub-heading for the specific charity (i.e., "To benefit Legionnaire's Disease research")

    Another idea would be call it something like "Stomp Out" and then append the targeted disease ("Stomp Out Legionnaire's Disease").

    If you build some kind of branding/identity around whatever name you select, that will help to tie together the event with previous events, even though the cause will vary. Create a logo, use similar formatting in promotional material, etc.

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