
Topic: Career/Training

Interview Question

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi folks, I recently had a phone interview for an analyst job working for this marketing company. I honestly didn't think I would have any problem with making the transfer over to analyzing marketing data seeing as my last position was working as a data analyst. Anyway, if I am honest, I really struggled with some of the questions which is leading me to think twice about applying for a similar position again. So I was hoping just for my own peace of mind if someone could answer this question that I struggled to answer(and probably why I didn't get a call for a second interview), it went somethinglike this:

how you would analyze the success of a multi-channel marketing campaign when all the order data came in ? Knowing nothing about Multi-channel marketing, I ws stumped. Can anyone give me a clue on how they would answer that? Out of curiousity, is Multi-Channel marketing a big concept in the marketing world?

Thanks for your time
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  • Posted byHans De Keulenaeron Accepted
    Multi-channel marketing is just what it says. If you're selling shoes from your shop, on the internet, etc you're doing it. But also Greenpeace organising rallies and running a website is multi-channel.

    The issue with multi-channel marketing is the deluge of pointless data that comes in, that you need to assemble into something meaningfull. It is not rocket science - it usually boils down to deciding which metrics to follow, and setting up a monthly or quarterly dashboard.

    In business marketing, it's a bit different: instead of a deluge of data, you'll get unstructured (or semi-structured through a contact management system) information from your field sales force, but not data. Spot surveys are all you've got there.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Multi-channel Marketing refers to use of different marketing channels example print media, mobile ads, SMS campaigns, exhibitions, retail shops entrance, web-site etc. for conducting a marketing campaign .You may do it say for X-mas sales or launch of new product etc.
    Some campaign may only be used for pulling customers to say the web-site or to the retail shops . You ,therefore, need to find out the effectiveness of the marketing efforts thro' different channels

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