
Topic: Strategy

Effective Follow Up On Conference Inquiries

Posted byzacton 125 Points
We are in the process of constructing an effective way to communicate to contacts who expressed interest in our organization during a convention or conference we participated in.
What drivers and activators are effective in reaching a new group with interest in our organization?
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  • Posted on Member
    How did you get their information? Has someone from your company already spoken to them? Did they fill out a contest form?
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    A phone call to follow up on their specific needs and begin the sales process. As a minimum, enroll them in your regular newsletters.
  • Posted on Member
    I think a lot depends on how the leads were acquired.

    If they were acquired through a "fish bowl"-type contest, the leads are rather unqualified.

    If a rep from your organization actuallly spoke to the lead and qualified it to some degree, then I would consider it somewhat prequalified.

    I would target those I had a interest in following up with and find out as much about THEIR organization as possible before making the follow up contact.

    I would list all the top decision-makers in the organization and run them through others in my organization, friends, family, etc. to see if anyone knows anyone from any of those companies and try to get a meeting in front of one or more of the decison-makers.

    I would develop my promotional strategy based on the needs of the particular organization I would be following up with.

    More tactics would depend upon what you are selling, if you would like to share your product/service offering with us in this forum.

  • Posted byon Accepted
    I like to combine methods in the followup:

    An email to start, reinforcing the point you were trying to make at the expo. I've started including a picture of our trade show booth in the email, just to jog the recipient's memory about who we are. If possible, include a call-to-action such as a discount or special offer, since that might shake out some immediate response.

    A mailer of some sort keeps you real (tangible) in the mind of the prospect.

    Finally, followup calls from sales reps, working from the best leads on down. At the least, the reps can use the call to assess interest if that hasn't been vetted at the show itself.

    I figure your window of opportunity to perform all of these actions is about 2 weeks, starting from the day the trade show ends. After that, the trail is cold. So it's important to have the plan in place before the show, and not just start plotting response strategy afterwards.
  • Posted byzacton Author
    Thanks everyone, I got some good ideas to work with.

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