
Topic: Taglines/Names

Unamed Floral Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am starting a small floral business, but don't know what to call it. I will be focusing on designing and arranging what the customer wants. Customer satisfaction only!!!

我的nickname is Dria, and so I would like to incorporate it into the business name, but I would like an elegant, yet attention getting name.

Thank you,

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  • Posted on Accepted
    Mrs. Dria's Bloomers
    Custom Floral Arrangements

    Miss Dria's Bloomers
    Custom Floral Arrangements

    Miss Dria's Petal Patch


    Miss Dria's Petal Pots

    Funky Florals by Dria

    Dria's Custom Posies

    Village Blooms by Dria

    Blooming Dria's

  • Posted on Member
    Custom Designs by Dria
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Dria - if you're already well-known as a florist in your area, then having your name on your business makes sense. Otherwise, adding your name won't help your business. In fact, it may be a problem for people trying to remember how to pronounce the name (is it DRY-a or DREE-a?).

    Back Pedals
    Bunches Of Flowers
    Beautiful Bouquets
    Pick A Pack Of Posies
  • Posted byBlueSageon Accepted
    Adrianna's Artful Blooms

    Artistic Blooms
    Floral arrangements as art

    Artfully Designed Blossoms

    I'm trying to do it for the top of the alphabet.

    Blooming Artistic Designs or..blooming art designs

    Blossoms Designed for Art

    Flowers Your Way

    Flowers Along Your Way

    Smell the roses, see the designs
    that's a tagline, I know. :)

  • Posted byclueyon Accepted
    I agree you should consider ease of pronunciation and something front of mind to your product. For example:

    The Flower Bower
    Floral Fantasy

    Otherwise something like:

    Dria’s Posy Patch
    Hydrange Dria
    Dria's Dreams

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