
Topic: Research/Metrics

Non-profit Organization And Its Market Share

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points

I wonder if non-profit and government-regulated organization has market share consideration while developing sales and marketing strategy?

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  • Posted on Member
    I don't think the information you give us is enough. Please give more.
  • Posted on Author
    Sorry for not making it clear enough. I wonder if "market share" is important to non-profit organization. Does the mission of increasing marekt share exist in a non-profit organization?

    Non-profit organization such as organ procurement for translant, best buddies, etc.

    Thank you

  • Posted on Accepted
    Along with my day job as a marcomm manager I'm Board President of a local Rebuilding Together affiliate in Ohio. I've been a volunteer for over 10 years and we've never had a conversation around market share as it relates to our organization. We do realize that we are in competition with other non-profit organizations for money from individuals, companies, government agencies and charitable foundations. But what really drives our organization is we want to have enough resources to be able to fund our mission of helping families stay warm, safe and comfortable in homes they own.

    It is an intriguing thought though. It could be useful to know what the addressable market is (how many homeowners in our geographic region that are in need) how many of these homeowners we are being helped, and how many are we helping vs. other non-profit and for-profit organizations.
  • Posted bysturtzcon Accepted
    I work in marketing for a non-profit membership organization. Previously I spent 8 years in various marketing and promotion positions for b2b and consumer products. There is most definitely a difference b/c of the non-profit perspective.

    We don't often have a lot of discussions on market share, although that is starting to change. When we do have the conversations, it usually is focused on the total available market (xxx organizations could be members of our organization or purchase our products) versus stealing share from other companies that offer similar products.

    我不确定这是th有所不同e culture of non-profits versus for profit companies or rather access to information. It has been a challenge to measure market share for some of our products b/c they are not tracked and analyzed like other industries.

    For past products, I could rely on Nielsen data to understand a products place in the market. I believe that is more difficult in the non-profit arena. It can be done but not to the same level of accuracy.

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