
Topic: Advertising/PR

Guidelines-using Images/likeness Of Famous People

Posted bymktgcbbon 250 Points
Can someone explain the rules surrounding the use of images/likenesses of famous people in advertising. I know that we can't use them so as to imply an endorsement. I'd like to compare our customers to other "busy people" like the president, bill gates, etc. I believe the president is fair game--even if we use his name and image. But what about Bill Gates, Donald Trump, etc? Can we use their names and their likenesses, just their names? Or neither? Any help would be great. Thanks!
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  • Posted byilanon Accepted
    The rules are simple.
    Any news items regarding Bill Gates, could be covered by news organizations and include his name and likeness/image/picture.
    Anything else requires specific written permission from Bill, Donald, and other famous people.
    That includes EVERYTHING, specially advertising.
  • Posted bymktgcbbon Author
    Thank you all for your help.

    I'm familiar with royalties to celebrities and their estates and other trademarked things. This one left me puzzled.

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