
Topic: Strategy

contingency Planning In Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi, please I need to know how an organisation responds to unexpected events in the implementation of its marketing plans?
Any articles or websites to the subject will be appreciated
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    It depends if the problem is with the strategy, its implementation, or something else entirely.

    For example, if your core business is suddenly made obsolete by a new technological innovation, then you need to revisit your strategy.

    If your marketing's ROI is decreasing, then you need to revisit the message and the medium you're using (and perhaps doing another SWOT analysis of the market to make sure new competition isn't chipping away are your message).

    If the problem is a something entirely different, for example the CEO was just arrested for embezzling, then you need to a continue to repeat your core message (for consistency) and also create a campaign to soothe the "unexpected development". This campaign also needs a strategy, so you can know when your goals are met (shareholders are no longer worried, etc.).
  • Posted bymktgcbbon Accepted
    I think Jay is correct, if you could be a little more specific, it would be easier to give you relevant information.

    例如。。.is the problem tactical? The printer made an error in your catalog? The mailhouse miscoded your data or customer service isn't handling your calls properly. . .gather as much information as possible, determine if the problem is likely to recur, do what you can to ensure that is won't happen again, get money back or credit if possible and then isolate as many variables as possible and see if you can still gain any information from your results.

    如果unexpected problem is environmental. . .your core customers are not buying because of recent economic factors, bad weather has delayed the in-home date of your mailing, etc. . .try to identify it and any additional marketing efforts that might assuage the problem.

    If your problem is strategic, your problem is more complex and you might not be able to implement a quick fix as it would require you to look more in-depth at your business and core beliefs.

    Sorry this isn't more specific. . .I would need to understand more of your challenge.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you Jay and Isham, Ok to be a little more specific I will mention three problems as an examples -the organization is a private college facing three challenges:
    1- the introduction of the largest Government scholarship program
    2- The introduction of new global coeducational institutions to the higher education market
    3- Changes in internal administrative operations to coop with an accreditation program.

    I appreciate your responses
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    The first thing I'd suggest is redoing your SWOT analysis to see how these changes truly affect your institution. Then spend time to ensure you identify your valuable uniqueness (USP). Then get your marketing message in alignment with this USP.

    Competition is part of business. It's not always a bad thing - it'll force you to focus more on your target, and also your new competition will be helping to spread the word about you - they'll be comparing themselves to you. Don't just sit there - leapfrog them.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for your ideas - merry Charismas and a happy New Year.
