
Topic: Branding

Need Help With Posting A Contest On Youtube

Posted byA-Luxon 250 Points
Has anyone posted a contest on YouTube? I am trying to post a contest and announce the prize for the winner at our annual summit in Washington DC.

Any direction would be very helpful.

Thank you in advance,

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  • Posted bybdggmgon Accepted
    The Home Depot recently conducted a very popular contest on You Tube, but it required the participants to submit video entries. In that way, I think it would be welcomed.

    Good luck!
  • Posted byA-Luxon Author
    Yes. I want to post a contest where participants submit videos. I saw the Home Depot one, Smirnoff and Puma. Our contest will be the same concept.

    We want videos that would answer a question.

    My issue is really a technical one. I can't see where one can go to announce a contest with the prize etc. The contest pages seem to be designed with the organizer branding etc. I just don't know how you can post a contest. I don't know how Home Depot and Puma did it.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • Posted bybdggmgon Member
    The following is from the Help section on You Tube, under "How do I create a contest?" As far as promoting it, you should do so on your web site and email (if applicable) and through press releases to trades.

    The official YouTube "Contests" section is for paid advertisers only. If you'd like to advertise with YouTube please contact
    The YouTube Groups section is for everyone and you can run your unofficial contest through your own Group for free! Starting a Group allows you to create a proper forum where videos falling under the same category can be collected, viewed, and judged. All you really need is a YouTube channel and some creative ideas. Below are a few helpful tips on making your contest a success:

    YouTube doesn't collect registration information. If this is necessary for your contest, you'll need to collect registrations through a separate site, or just correspond with users through their YouTube accounts.
    We recommend that contests run no longer than eight weeks, as users may lose interest if it goes on too long.
    Prizes provide motivation to enter a contest. Make sure yours are ones to which people will respond.
    Keep the rules as simple as possible. If they're too difficult, people won't participate.
    Even though the contest is on YouTube, you aren't guaranteed entries. You may want to promote the contest through your own email lists or website.
    The owner/moderator of the Group should set preferences to approve videos before they are submitted to the Group to help avoid irrelevant submissions.
    After creating your contest, it's completely up to you how you want to run it, which submissions are applicable, and how you'll award prizes. Good luck!


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