
Topic: Copywriting

Promotion Of The Activities Of State Organisation

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Hello to all.
I have to complet promotion concept of the name and activities of the state cultural organisation. More information is possible to find All concept has to be resulted with intense appearence of our name, mostly through web network, recognizabillity ot the name ot the institution(branding). Would appreciate any advices.
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  • Posted bybetterwords4youon Accepted
    Hello Dino,

    I agree with the earlier response--first determine the organization's current level of activity and popular support, then define eaxctly where they want to be in two years, say, and plan what you;ll do to help them get there and very specifically how you'll know you have succeeded. If possible, connect your strategy to what the organization is already doing to keep it relevant for them.

    One way to begin learning about what people want is with a blog--although I'm not sure what percentage of people in B-H are on the internet frequently. Americans have more asociations than anybody, but promote your blog to people at whatever community or social organizations you have and try to get them involved.

    同时,利用m MarketingProfs会员uch as possible by including a few members as members of your new network. There must be a fair number of us who are interested in international communications and development. Maybe our skills in copywriting, marketing etc would be attractive to potential supporters in your country.

    Feel free to contact me directly if you want more ideas.

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