
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Nonprofit Needs Name

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm starting a new nonprofit, and I need some help coming up with a name.

Our mission is to enable Cameroonian students to achieve their educational dreams in order to overcome poverty and improve health outcomes. We plan on providing scholarships to deserving students in Cameroon (a country in West Africa), and later conducting income generation activities and health education activities in communities where supported students live.

I'm looking for something that will inspire people to action, since we will need a lot of people to donate money inorder for us to provide the scholarships. We originally came up with ideas like Act for Africa and Impact Africa, but these are all taken.

Your help is much appreciated!
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  • Posted on Member
    The best way to develop a name is to brainstorm with as many people as possible. As you do that, develop a list of possible names and then start checking them to see if they are available. See our article "How to Find a Name for Your Nonprofit" athttps://nonprofit.about.com/od/nonprofitbasics/a/naming.htm

    You can also develop a tagline that will help explain what your organization is all about...that way your actual name doesn't have to do all the work.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for this suggestion. My board of directors and I have already done a lot of brainstorming, and nothing excellent seems to have emerged. If you have any suggestions for names, that would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Africa Smarts
    Africa Is Learning
    Native Intelligence
    First Class Africa
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for some of these suggestions. To answer some of the above questions, the scholarships will be provided to individual students in the country of Cameroon. At this point, we do not have plans to fund entire schools.

    Our fundraising campaigns will originate and be executed in the United States. We plan to target individuals as donors, starting with friends, family, and colleagues. Once we get our 501(c)3 in place, we will also write some grant applications.

    Any suggestions out there for names that don't necessarily include "Africa" in the title??
  • Posted bybdggmgon Member
    Groom Cameroon
    Sustaining Life Through Education
  • Posted on Author
    Hi everyone,

    I really do appreciate people's thoughts, comments, and suggestions for a name for my new nonprofit. I still don't seem to have found what I'm looking for. I'm looking for something that inspires, that is hopeful, and something that is short and cannot be abbreviated (acronyms mean nothing to people, unless you're IBM). Some names of other organizations I like include: Hope for Haiti, Trickle Up, Watering Malawi, Breaking Ground, Deliver Dafur, Impact Africa, Action Against Hunger, etc.

    If anybody else has any more ideas, I could really use your expertise! Thanks.
  • Posted bybdggmgon Member
    Send Them to School
    Legacy for Learning
    Action for Africa
    Learn to Teach
    Teach the Children, Reach the Children
    Learning Lore: Project Africa
    Accolades for Africa
    Learn to Dream
  • Posted bybdggmgon Member
    Operation Educate
    "Complete the Dream"

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