
Topic: Advertising/PR

Ad Headline(s)

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
My company is assisting a regional dental care solutions provider who is trying to gain name recognition through a series of ads which will run in a business weekly in our area. They are among the nation's largest, most experienced dental health benefits systems. They have nearly four decades of experience in managing dental benefits and offer a wide variety of quality, cost-effective plans that can be tailored to meet their clients' needs. They market directly to employers. We are charged with developing the ads for their campaign. Please provide suggestions for the headline for such ads. We will then take the selected headline(s) and incorporate with graphics and additional copy.
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  • Posted on Member

    Decades of dental experience
    Dont trust your teath to any one but the experts at ______
    We know dental
    No Decay in a Decade!
    Trusted for over a Decade

    On thing you want to do is push how long they have been there. If it is a small shop that is new people are less apt to go but if has been there for a long time and people know that. People are more apt to go and trust them.

    If you can find some local big name people who have gone to this office and have them say what they think and use that quote from them. (make sure it is a good one) Then people go "O He said it is a good place, why dont I bring my family there."

  • Posted byHans De Keulenaeron Accepted
    Like car leasing, pension funds, ... this sounds like a commodity service where differentiation is difficult. I would find the benefit that your client can offer uniquely, and capitalize on that.

    For example:
    - Four decades of setting the standard for flexible dental care solutions
    - Managing the cost of ownership of your dental care insurance plan
    ——完全就是ce dental care plans built on 4 decades of experience

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