
Topic: Strategy

How 2 Market Icecream Machine & Icecream In India

Posted byMaximuson 250 Points
I have a korean Icecream making machine which I want to market in India especially in south india. This machine is in itself a unique kind. If you can let me know the steps how I should go ahead to market this product.

Thanks in advance.

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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Start with your primary target audience. Who do you think would buy your machine? Why would they buy it? It's not about the the machine and its uniqueness. It's about the need you're satisfying among the target audience.

    Go to the south of India (if you're not there already) and talk to the people you think might be interested and find out how they think, what they value, what considerations they have when they buy machinery or go into a new business (or whatever). The answer to your question lies in the market, not in the technology.
  • Posted byMaximuson Author
    Dear Puru,

    Thanks for your comments. :-) Good to hear from your side.

    Basically, all those points i too have in my mind but recently my senior management said that instead of selling ice cream through this machine they want to just sell the machine only. Its better to enter the icecream selling market later on if nothing works out.

    For this i think it would be better to approach the local ice cream machine distributors and distributors, caterers in bangalore. And also putting our machine of exhibitions focussed on Food and Beverage sector in India. But currently the problem what i am facing is how i can tap the local ice cream machine distributors or wholesalers. Kindly advise.

    Also, while going for advertising, I am thinking to plan put an ad in leading newspapers and later on placing the macines for demo at Hospitals, large business cafeterias, cafés, theaters, mall food courts, airports etc.

    I am still doing my preparation on the same. We will be soon hiring a salesman who can approach to the local market. Please advise me that how should i move ahead for this.

    Thanks in advance.


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