
Topic: Strategy

How Do You Overcome "client Limitations"?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
How do you overcome "Client Limitations"?

We have a client wanting national coverage for his service but he won't allow us to use any of his client names. He says he has no trouble getting trade pub coverage on the new methodology and he wants non-trade magazines to write about his company. Any editor approached wants to discuss specific examples of success with confirmation client names. None of the clients “want” media attention. The company and the process are proven but are unknown by most potential clients. The subject matter is green from an oil consumption angle. It should be hot but the "Client Limitations" are stopping placement! We are stuck but we would like to keep the client. Suggestions?
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Member
    Not worth arguing with the client ... especially if you want to keep him. Develop the story with a generic description of the client firm and see if you can get it placed. Be sure the client knows that not being specific is going to cut down on what you can get placed.

    One middle-ground might be to see if a client would talk with the editor on the condition that the company name would not be used. Not a great solution, but probably the best you'll be able to do ... based on what you've said.

    Good luck.
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    Do you know that "any editor" will want client names?

    I have written several articles on enviro construction. I have never used client names. My slant is on "how to", trends, and what makes a difference. I draw heavily from stats-- and cite those references.

    You will always have client limitations. Its not a perfect world. They are still relying on you to make it happen.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted byilanon Accepted
    I look at these type of clients with a very sober eye.
    If their contribution to my bottom line is significant, I shut up and do what they want, but I try to make them understand that they may not win anything out of it and it can't be my fault...
    But if clients who don't listen, don't make sense or are simply afraid of their own shadow continue to ask for such things AND they contribute nothing to my bottom line, I fire them.
    Life is too short to agonize over the unrealistic approach of some clients.
    The suggestions you got above are on the mark ,you are the one with the hard decision to make. Sorry...
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    Genericise the story and make it clear this will:

    (a) Dilute the promotional value
    (b) Decrease the editorial attractiveness, i.e. you ability to get it published

    Maybe you can make up for some of the negatives by providing publishable (genericised, unattributable, undistinguishable) photographs of the process at work.

    Hope that helps.

  • Posted byHans De Keulenaeron Accepted
    I've gone through this discussion a myriad of times for our 'case studies' content stream. In most cases, we end up publishing the case anonymously, mentioning the business sector to which it applies but not the company name. It does not affect the strength of the story, provided you have a strong enough brand to publish the story under.

    Alternatively, to construct evidence of the service in operation, you could organise a workshop where you present the product, leading to a story 'xx participants from yy business sectors reviewed the product and concluded ...'.

    Referring to above discussion, I'd like to add that in case of a difference of opinion between agency and customer, it's not by definition that the customer is 'wrong'. Agencies should be open to learn from customers as customers should be open to use the expertise of the agency or consultant they have choosen to hire.
  • 贴在 Author
    Thanks folks!

    I have learned or been reminded of several points;

    1. You can't save a client from themselves. - ahunt
    2. Check your premise. - CarolBlaha
    3. Work for them or fire them. - ilan
    4. When stuck, flip the approach. - ASVP/ChrisB
    5. Be open minded. - Hans De Keulenaer

    You have proven for me and to my boss that this forum is a great resource.

    Thanks again,


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