
Topic: Other

What Is A Good Marketing Project Mngmt Tool?

Posted bycontacton 500 Points
I have an in house marketing dept. as well as 2 out of state offices that I service. I am looking for a good project management tool for staff to be able to request marketing jobs and then they can track them as we receive and work on them. I looked at Agency Central but it is very expensive. Anyone know of a good software tool?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Have a look at

    TaskJuggler is a modern and powerful, Open Source project management tool

    Hope this helps
  • Posted on Accepted
    高度相关的/目标和分布式网络marketing engine using global human processing power combined with propriatery computer software algorithms and systems to deliver high amounts of internet traffic to your website and help with SEO process by using direct links.
  • Posted byHans De Keulenaeron Accepted
    Well, it completely depends on the level of people you have in your team, and the level of detail at which you wish (or need to) manage.

    For projects, I found Webex WebOffice invaluable - see It allows us to set up intranets for projects or campaigns, share documents, tasks, calendars, databases and much more. It may be a good solution for a team that needs to seemlessly work together like parts in a mechanical clockwork.

    If your team interaction in intensive but more at a strategic level, we would normally use a blog as a message board for floating and discussing ideas. Just make sure that you define a discussion protocol, and be ready to invest heavily in the beginning in getting it off the ground.

    If you can trust your team, and can work by 'management by objectives', you could consider mind-mapping. Define a programme as a mindmap in a meeting (or other form of interactive session), and revisit it at an appropriate frequency.
  • Posted byeasyEon Accepted
    Take a look at ACT!
  • Posted on Accepted
    www.robohead.netis a web based Marketing PM tool. Go through their demo to see all the features, it looks very robust and powerful. The American Marketing Association is offering a web based solution too (, although I don't know much about it. Good luck.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I've had great success w/ It's a hosted web-based project management and collaboration tool. It's really powerful - especially for the money. I spent a lot of time looking at all manner of web-based PM tools and have always landed back on Ace.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Could you provide me with your contacts information , so that we can discuss more in this regard.

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