
Topic: Student Questions

Dissertation - Social Networking & Marketing Commu

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm a marketing student trying to come up with my dissertation question. I've been looking at marketing communications and social networking websites. I'd like to tie the two together.

Any ideas?
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  • Posted byHans De Keulenaeron Accepted
    On the use of social networking for marketing communications, there are many evangelists, but relatively few practitioners.

    That could be a research topic: why is there so much promise, but so little action? In other words, what are the barriers for marketers to embrace social networking? Possibly it's fear (will it fill up the factory), lack of familiarity, uncertainty (are my customers on Facebook?) etc.

    A generic answer to this question will not be useful, so I would focus on one or few markets. For example, construction and manufacturing are lagging, and possibly always will. Other sectors, which are less 'local' and more knowledge intensive should be leading.

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