
Topic: Strategy

Advertising Different Territories

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm trying to figure it out what can make a company launching a different marketing campaign on different territories. How the company knows or what research they use to determine the differences in each territory? TV, Radio, Magazine, Newspaper, Direct Marketing, Merchandising. please give me examples if possible. Thanks.
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  • Posted bymktgcbbon Accepted
    Are you planning on launching the same product in each market with changes to the advertising. . .or are you planning on customizing the product as well?

    Much could depend on what your product is. . .ex. snow shovels, ceramic dogs, reading glasses. . .all have a different audience and motivation to buy--some may be based on regionality, others on demographics or behavioral/purchase patterns.

    Without knowing what you're company does or what your budget is, I would suggest taking your control ad and testing it against any "regional" changes that you might make based on demographics, local research or a hunch. If the regional piece reliably outperforms your control, then you can test other changes against that.

    Don't forget to calculate your break-even. You might find the cost to design and print multiple pieces or split magazine circulations might be more than the uplift you expect to receive.

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