
Topic: Research/Metrics

Research Tool For Small Organizations

Posted bymelissa.paulikon 250 Points
OneSource has been our organization's main source of information on companies we are selling to. For a variety of reasons, I haven't been happy with them and am looking for an alternate source.

Specifically, we need information on both privately and publicly held companies. Many of the smaller companies don't have decent websites nor much web coverage - hence the need to subscribe to a resource. The most valuable piece of information is contacts within the company. We don't use these names for marketing purposes. Instead, it helps the sales teams to know "who's who" within the organization they are selling into. It gives them insight into what's not being said.

Any other recommendations?

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  • Posted byDanaReeveson Accepted
    I've used several throughout my career, all of which I would highly recommend: by D&B)

    Hope one of these works for you; good luck!
  • Posted bysteven.alkeron Accepted
    Dear Melissa

    You don’t say which industry you are in or to which sector you are selling, but Kompass,www.kompass.comwill give you access to a large number of public and private companies in the USA with named executives, what they do. Some info is for free, some you have to subscribe to.

    Kompass is unique in that you can drill down by the SIC code for what a company is involved in.

    If you subscribe for free, you can look them up one by one as though you were a buyer. If you want CSV files for a targeted list, you have to pay for them.

    Best wishes
    Steve Alker
  • Posted byScLoHoon Member
    Does your Chamber of Commerce have a website or directory?
  • Posted bysteven.alkeron Member
    Gosh Dan - Given the lady's name, I thought that you'd made this one up! What a surprise.


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