
Topic: Strategy

Political Movement Message And Strategy

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am looking for advice and feedback for a political movement that I am trying to get started named "Reform 2008"

The concept behind the movement is this: There are critical issues facing America that need to be addressed including the economy, illegal immigration and healthcare. These issues transcend party politics.

What Reform2008 seeks to do is unite voters from all parties in an effort to make sure that true reforms are enacted as a result of this election cycle. I (we) want to make sure that regardless of who gets into office... these problems are addressed with real reforms enacted. The future of our nation is at stake.

Beyond the 2008 election I would like to see this movement carry on and act as a non-partisan voice for all citizens to fix broken government.

I have developed a website atwww.Reform2008.comwhich is trying to get this message across and to get people to join the movement. I need some feedback and advice on it as well as recommendations for improvement. I'm not sure the message that I want to get across is the message that is being delivered.

Please take a look: [inactive link removed]

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted on Author

    Tell you what.... whenever you see a question by me ... just disregard it. You never bring anything of value to the conversation. I get the impression that you try to show people how smart you are in an attempt to get work.

    Still looking for advice and feedback from others.

  • Posted bysteven.alkeron Member
    That’s a great response for someone who wants to promote a political ideal, patriotism and other issues. A real appeal to all the people who happen to agree with you covers about 0.00001% of your potential audience.

    You come to a marketing website for advice on marketing; someone tells you something you don’t like, so you insult them.

    Your website is useless. Want more help? Go to my political website – I’m one of the founder members of the Adam Smith institute,www.adamsmith.orgwhich is a free-market non partisan organisation. It will at least show you how things can be done, if you have the humility to accept a bit of advice.

    In the meanwhile I suggest you set up a stall on eBay for your “Organisation” and start selling black uniforms with colourful arm-bands.


    Steve Alker
  • Posted on Author

    I see you are also a major poster here with close to 10k posts. You don't know the history of WMMA and my posts and if you did... you would understand.

    I don't appreciate the attack.. especially since I am trying to help fix the problems with government.

    With that said, are you telling me that the issues that are brought forward by me do not need to be addressed?

    If you read my post... you will see that I am asking for advice.. not looking for people to tell me how useless it is. If you have something constructive to say.. say it.. otherwise don't.

    I visited your site and it's quite nice... but what does it do to actually get the problems fixed? That's the issue.. stop talking and do something. We can go on all day and print articles and explain the problem.. but that doesn't do anything to fix them.

  • Posted on Author
    I'm going to close this question. If anyone wants to discuss fixing problems in Washington please contact me through thewww.reform2008.comsite. tks.
  • Posted bysteven.alkeron Member
    Well, on a constructive basis and not seeking to echo Randall, your website offers no constructive reasons to support your cause. Your call to action is amorphous and looking at the current play of American politics, which is huge news over here, the message is clarity of vision. For example, were I an American citizen, I would be a natural Republican (Free Market and all that) but Obama has put forward such a clear vision of hope and difference that I feel drawn to him.

    As to what we changed with the Adam Smith Institute? Back in 1978, we had a Labour government with the unions in charge and an economy which was heading towards banana republic status and inflation in double digits. We wrote the Omega Report which set out the raft of policies which were presented as options for Margaret Thatcher in opposition. That resulted in the privatisation of nationalised industries, stabilisation of money supply, the freedom of the individual over the state, reduction in taxation, the sale of council houses to tenants and the dismantling of a near fascist union power base. It was painful, because it involved a lot of changes and the removal of some tenets of life which had become entrenched, but which were destroying our country. She got re-elected three times, despite huge unpopularity fostered by vested interests because what she and what we had proposed restored our country to prosperity.

    It is that kind of vision which you need to engender and your website fails to capture either the heart or the mind. It does not engage on an intellectual or emotional level apart from calling upon some fairly cheap sounding patriotic and anti-immigrant themes which led me to my equally cheap comments about black uniforms! (Mea culpa!)

    To start to achieve your objectives in the face of the huge political machines run by the republicans, the democrats and the lunatic fringes, you need an agenda and the agenda needs to be clearly expounded on your website. You can’t dream one up overnight and you need to be careful not to become associated with the various crackpots who would call Americans to their causes for either personal gain or the pursuit of undemocratic power because they have the warped idea that they are right and everyone else (apart from the chosen) are wrong.

    这不是一个容易的任务,我可能不同意你的看法ur goals, but that doesn’t stop me from telling you that your current offering is deeply unattractive and is not conducive to your goals. It says, to me, “Give me your support and you money, and we’ll tell you why later” You need to reverse this message to say “Here is why you should support us, when you have read it, please engage in debate and then consider supporting us”

    I hope that this is the kind of constructive advice which you were seeking, but in essence, though you may dislike his tone and sentiment, what WMMA wrote was in essence correct. Unpalatable to you, perhaps but on the instance you have posted and in politics in general, you need to be big enough to shelve history and past enmity and get on with the debate.

    Steve Alker

  • Posted bymatthewmnexon Member
    Dear realsysllc,

    I am an Englishman and therefore I can look at your site from a purely marketing perspective as i have no political agenda.

    Firstly, I can see right away what you want to achieve with your 3 main issues

    # The Economy & Taxes
    # Illegal Immigration
    # Healthcare and Social Security

    However, you missed the war in Iraq which is clearly also a very important issue hat will have a large bearing on the outcome of the 008 election.

    You mention that you are non partisan but then you put a welcome to Ron Paul supporters?? therefore, you just lost all the Clinton, Obama, Mccain and Huckabee crowd right on the first page :))) Remove it and be truly non partisan.

    The general design is boring and bland - hire a professional web designer to help you to make the site compelling. Take a look at the sites of all the above mentioned candidates and you will see the level of expertise that you have to achieve if you want to gain any credibility with the online community.

    All political movements have to start from somewhere, and that somewhere is always at the grass roots level.

    You need first a foremost a message. A real message - a story that touches the hearts and captures the minds of the voters. it is what every candidate in the current race is spending millions with PR and AD agencies to try to figure out. What is the message that will really resonate with the voters. So far Obama seems to be winning on that front from what I can see on CNN.

    在试图推广你的网站之前,先坐down with your team and trusted advisers - have a real brain bashing session together for several days or weeks if need be. Lock ourselves in a room for 5 days with no food or water until you all agree on a REAL message that you can all get behind and stay behind for the long haul. Once you have that, then re build your site and it will become very easy from then on because you will all understand what the message and purpose is.

    Currently, every thing that you have is too vague.

    Good luck with your movement and your political dreams for America :))

    PS: If you are serious about becoming a politician, then you will need to develop a very very thick skin. The kind of sniping that you received on the posts above is nothing compared with the dirty tricks that the Washington big boys and the Press will do to you once you get into the big arena :))))

    Be ready :))
  • Posted bysteven.alkeron Member
    Good Lord Matt!

    You two want to get married or something?

    No, on second thoughts, not a good idea. His “Non-Partisan-Movement” would probably have you incarcerated!

    Love anyway


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