
Topic: Student Questions

Services And Products- Managed And Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
To what extent is it different to manage services when compared to products? What do organisations need to consider when managing and marketing a service?
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  • Posted on Author
    thanks Steve. yes the question does have two parts. the first part is where the classification of service and products is made, e.g. the difference between both and more importantly the characteristic of services. then part 2 is where i need to discuss how organizations promote services and what factors affect them when trying to manage service e.g. people are one of the major factors that effect an organizations when it come to service as there are often the front line.

    i'm stuck for putting it all in words and understanding. in some ways i may have answered my question, but i would like more information in depth about this topic.

    many thanks again steve.
  • Posted byBilld724on Member
    Good question.

    First issue: marketing a service means marketing the relationships behind the service and the provider of that service.

    When you move into a new town and need a pediatrician. Do you seek out the Yellow Pages? Not likely. You go to people you have come to know, like and whose opinions you trust and ask them, "Do you know a good pediatrician?".

    So services marketing is intimately supported by relationship marketing.

    Second issue -- you can touch, hold, pound, drive, etc. a tangible item (product) but you can NOT do that with a service!

    All you get, initially, is a 'promise' of a desired outcome which the service suggests. So the 'marketing' of the service must also focus on the EXPERIENCE the prospect has with the only tangible element present -- the provider.

    If the prospective client's perception (based on his or her experience with the provider) doesn't allay doubts that the promise inherent in the service offering will be realized, they aren't likely to buy . . . the provider or the service.

    Again, assume you've just learned you need open-heart surgery. You're referred to a cardiologist by your internist. Suppose you can't stand the doctor! He's late. He's also rude. His desk is messy. In short, you're thinking, "No way, Jose!". Do you seek another opinion or surgeon? Yes, you will. Won't you?

    I work primarily with professionals who must market and sell their intangible services. These two 'truths' are ones I will stand by any day of the week and I hope these two critical insights are of some help to you in finding the answers you're seeking.

    If you need more 'insights', contact me via my MarketingProfs profile.


  • Posted on Author
    thanks bill. I have emailed you.

    Does no one think that the 7Ps are important for the question, if yes, how?

  • Posted on Author
    anyone else want to add anything,

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