
Topic: E-Marketing

How Much Time Do You Spend In The Web 2.0 World?

Posted bymelissa con 50 Points
So, I have my Facebook page, my LinkedIn page, my Twitter account and so on. I read some forums, post here and there and check my RSS feeds everyday. There's so much Web 2.0 stuff out there and it's overwhelming-- you could really spend all day, everyday reading blogs, posting messages, etc. I want to spend more time using these places as best I can, but I just can't get a grip on how much is TOO much!

That being said, I just gotta ask-- in all, how much time a day on average do you actually spend posting to blogs/forums, interacting via LinkedIn or others, etc? 20 minutes? 2 hours?

In your answer, could you specify if you own your own business or if you work for a corporation? Also, how much of it is for your professional development and how much is for your company's development/branding?

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  • Posted bymelissa.paulikon Accepted
    I just posted something on this very topic last night on my blog.

    I only post a couple of times a week and I don't yet have a twitter account. However, I do have a very demanding job and a satisfying personal life.

    To me, it's all about the balance that's right for you. Not what's right for someone else. I recommend making sure you're leaving enough time in your schedule to fulfill your other obligations like work and family and to enjoy your life.

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